Lakeside West is perfect for guests who prefer views over proximity to the lake. A good choice for guests who pack light and don’t mind transporting gear by cart on the trail for 22 minutes. (Adults travelling alone with small kids may prefer Lakeside East for easier access.) Built in 2019-20, the LAKESIDE WEST offers dramatic views from our cliff houses, and sunny roof top balconies on treehouses 11 and 20. Lakeside West is in a more remote section, a bit harder to walk to, but the views and the feeling of being in a secluded treehouse village are well worth the effort. All the treehouses are a 22 minute walk to the reception. We recommend transporting baggage by the trail with our carts rather than by canoe as there is a steep 300m trail up from the docks. Rent the canoe for pleasure or for transporting people (while someone else walks in with the cart). It is a 12 minute paddle from the reception.
If you prefer a slightly easier baggage transport, to be closer to the reception, and prefer proximity to the lake over views, check out Lakeside East Treehouses.